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Updated 10/17/22

Double Elimination, Best of 3.

- 2 Lives.  Losing a round = losing a life.  Losing 2 rounds = elimination. 

- Each round up to 3 Games, first to win 2 games.

- For the first game of each round, the map/rules/positions of all players shall be decided by the tournament.  (The top-listed player shall have the top-right position, vs bottom-left, unless both players agree otherwise.)

- The LOSER of Game 1 shall decide the map/rules/positions for Game 2, from tournament approved maps/rules.  (Maps in above page link, Rules below.  Players may agree on a non-listed map or on additional rules.)

- If a Game 3, then the LOSER of Game 2 shall decide the map/rules/positions for Game 3. (If it goes that far.)

- For map decisions, each player may only use each map ONCE.  Who will draw the Sword first?  

(Example:  You lose Round 1, Game 1.  You get to choose the map for Game 2.  You choose Sword.  Now you may not use Sword for any other rounds.  You win Game 2.  Your opponent chooses for Game 3.  They may also pick Sword, but they may decide to save it for a later round.)
Players will have 1 week to complete each round.  Neglecting to seek matchmaking may result in termination at the tournament's discretion. You should document your activity and regularly check in with Officials, in case there is a dispute.

Official Watchers are not needed to play games.  Players may agree on any watcher, or no watcher.  If players cannot agree, then they shall be assigned a time with an Official.

YOU are responsible for taking the measures needed to protect YOURSELF against cheating and disputes.

To verify your win in case of dispute, you should have either:
- an Official Watcher's verification;
- or proof of agreement to record + video from winner's perspective;
- or proof of agreement to play with a non-official watcher + their verification;
- or proof of agreement to play with no watcher or recording + evidence of the results;
and prove: 
- opponent's identification,
- opponent's intent to play the game for the tournament,
- and opponent's understanding of the rules.

Please be a good sport and admit if you lost!  Help us save time! ;3
Tournament Approved Rules:

- No Rules
- no f only (no Fire*)
- no ffs (no Fire*, no Flying Stones**)
- no ffs max 50 (",", max 50 shooters***)
(no afp may apply to any of the above****)

- PT:  5, 10, or 20
- Any starting gold from the game screen.  ( 0k [zero gold] allowed if both players understand and agree. )
- 50 gamespeed

- Cows ON, Dogs ON, Strong Walls OFF:  for all games, unless both players agree otherwise.

Auto-Save: 5 Minutes, to be loaded upon crash/disconnect.  Each player gets up to 3 PER ROUND; further crashes will result in a loss of THAT GAME unless shown mercy by the opponent.  If the crash/disconnect happened after a game-deciding event (like losing army), the load may be denied upon Official review.

Version 1.1, unless both players agree otherwise.
*No Fire = no fire throwers, no FIRE balistas, no boiling oil, no igniting pitch.

** No Flying Stones = No launching stones with catapults, mangonels, or trebuchets.  Building these things is in itself not a violation.  Tower Balistas DO NOT count as flying stones or fire.  Cows DO NOT count as flying stones or fire.

*** max 50 = a total of xbows, any archers, and tower balistas.  Slingers DO NOT count as shooters, but shall have their own max of 50. (50 shooters + 50 slingers max)

**** no afp = no Army for Pop, no deliberately disbanding large numbers of cheap units for increasing population beyond housing/jobs.
TM ON, MAX 10 CPS (clicks per second)
Players demonstrating suspiciously high cps may be required to provide video evidence of click speed in the case of a dispute.  
No cheating!  Duh.  If you've played long enough to compete well in this tournament, you should know by know what cheating is.  If you're not sure if something is cheating, don't do it.  :/

Forbidden including, but not limited to:
-- Delete glitch:  using high click speed while deleting to get more returns.  Usually happens over 10cps, ergo the tm limit.  DON'T DO IT!!
- fast workers glitch
- double workers glitch
- 1-dot army glitch (not manual 1-dot)
- units on low-wall/high-wall with intentions to glitch horse-archers and preventing them from shooting
- deliberately/obnoxiously building in enemy territory
- deliberately/obnoxiously exceeding 50 shooter limit.
- etc.
Cheating judgments and punishments are completely up to the Tournament's discretion.  Warnings may be given for minor or accidental violations.  Repeated or blatant violations may result in loss of game or elimination from tournament.   
(For example, if someone accidently builds a house 1 dot over the middle line, it may be a minor warning.  But if they are frequently building over the line or just blatantly building way over the line, it's a problem.  Judgments will consider malicious intent and effect on game.)
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